We are settling into our home here in Idaho very well. It's so nice to know that we will get to stay here for 3 years. After having Emma we moved around quite a bit, and it's nice to have a sense of permanence.
We spent Christmas in WA with Layton's family and it was so wonderful, festive and magical. It was relaxing to be with family, see friends, and spend so much time with Layton. It's been fantastic having such a long break for the holidays. Both Emma and I will miss him so much this next week when he has to go back.
Now for a quick Emma update!

Emma is doing well, for being born at 25 weeks she is growing and developing so fast! Her Favorite things to do lately are stand up with the help of mom and dad, suck and chew on everything she can grab, and be held and walked around. Her least favorites are tummy time, being alone, and taking naps. She does great at sleeping through the night, but naps are difficult and the fact that she's just getting over a stomach bug hasn't helped.

She is so so so darling Meredith, can't wait to see her sister๐๐๐