On August 4th we headed down to the hospital to visit Emma. Upon arriving our nurse asked how long we it had been since she entered the hospital, and we told her that it had been about three months. After consulting with a few other staff members, we were informed that in rounds that morning she was going to suggest that we should take Emma home, on oxygen, the next day.
At rounds our nurse was so amazing, she convinced the doctors, nurses, and other specialists that we could do a great job taking care of her at home, as long as she was still on oxygen. The doctor agreed and they asked us right then and there if we wanted to stay that night in the hospital. When taking home a preemie from the NICU they suggest that you spend twenty-four hours in one of their transition rooms before taking your little one home, to build your confidence, allow you to ask questions, and to make sure that you understand how to work their oxygen.

Earlier that morning Layton and I had both figured it would be a few days or even a week before they would allow us to take her home; this was the best news ever! We decided to do the twenty-four hours the next day so that we could bring our things with us. The next day was so exciting, we got the house cleaned and ready, set up her bed and washed all of her blankets. Finally, we packed our bags and headed out to the hospital, for the last time ever.
The next twenty-four hours were probably the most difficult of my life. Having hospital staff coming in to check on us, two separate oxygen monitors, each of which beeped incessantly, and getting up to feed her every three hours, we didn't sleep at all.
Somehow we made it, and were able to walk out the front doors the next morning, with little Emma. It was so unreal. I kept thinking that they would run out of the hospital and take her back. They didn't of course, (although it still felt like a kidnapping) and arriving at our own home with our new baby was so wonderful. It has been an adjustment, but we are loving having her with us.
We are so happy to finally be together, all three of us, in one place. What a strange experience it was, being new parents but not having a baby at home to take care of and snuggle and love. Emma is a very wonderful and easy baby, it is so fun to be able to hold her whenever we want.
Thank you to everyone who has kept us in your prayers, sent gifts, and love. We are so grateful for all of the support, we couldn't have done it without you!